About Rafael

I honestly have to extend a huge thank you to my friends and family. They pushed me to move forward with creating this website and selling my art. It was through their support and push that I was motivated to create this site. I full heartedly hope you enjoy what you see here and would appreciate your support so that I can keep sharing my art. 
I have always drawn and toyed with all types of mixed media in the arts, from painting to sculpting, sketching to writing, and I just found it so relaxing to lose myself in the moment of creating something with my hands. I did not always draw these adonis of men you see. It could be said that only part of me came out of the closet. But to really be myself, I decided to fully step out and bare all, as it were. My art is unique, it may not be to everyones taste, and I have learned to accept that not everyone may love me, but those that do. Those are the ones I will cherish and keep in my life. 
I put a lot of myself into each piece I create. Like, a part of me is connected, blended, drawn into the lines and colors that combine together to bring life to this image of stunning beauty. I want my art to not only adorn the walls of homes but be a piece that sparks conversation, a gateway art to open the door to your story. I'm boring, but my art tells a story, make that story a part of yours.